My poems and other wordy stuff - plus anything else that makes me smile or go "Hmm..."
Friday, 11 November 2022
The Boat is Past its Best
Thursday, 10 November 2022
Bad Service
Sadly, we all come across bad customer service or workmanship from time to time. A friend of mine encounters more than her fair share of bad service, even in the area of medical consultation.
I wrote this to cheer her up.
Sunday, 25 September 2022
November is Lurking
Taking a break from political poems, this verse is Hallowe'en themed.
November is Lurking
November is lurking, just one night remains,
a deep ferrous odour pervades.
The flickering, nacreous light barely shows
what was lurking, it further degrades.
It might be it’s gone and returned to its lair,
the silence suggests solitude,
but maybe it’s waiting for prey to approach –
a typical trait of its brood.
The floor, it feels sticky, suggesting it’s fed;
it could be it’s sated, who knows?
Your foot catches something, revealed as a head
only briefly – then all the light goes.
There, in the darkness, dead lamp in your hand,
staying still, hoping eyes will adjust.
And still, there’s no sound – you don’t know if it’s there,
And still there’s that deep smell of rust.
A thought comes, insidious, feelings of doubt,
Was it wise on this All Hallow’s Eve
to venture where others have gone and been lost –
or so we’ve been led to believe?
Deciding to leave you begin to back out.
Without warning sharp claws hold you tight.
A mouth dripping mucus rasps into your ear,
“My name is November. Goodnight.”
Saturday, 20 August 2022
The Tory Clan (Wellerman parody)
The Tory Clan
(To the melody of The Wellerman)
1.There once was a slip and conned were we
To give control to the Tory party,
They're so corrupt, they grind us down,
They grow, these bully boys grow (huh)
Rees-Mogg and Braverman come
With Patel, Dorries, Coffey, Raab (dumb),
Truss, Rishi from Boris's bum,
They'll take our lives and go.
2. Nadhim Zahawi is one more
Kwarteng, Cleverly, Eustice: poor
(in morals - for they rake in more,
their donors all aglow) (huh)
3. Barclay, Wallace, Malthouse and Shapps
don't care about the energy caps
as power falls into their laps
Who cares if poverty grows (huh)
4. Javid, Gove no longer around
but hanging on - that Boris clown,
Care home numbers were brought down
Matt Hancock had to go (huh)
5. We wonder how long can it last,
Restrictions on our freedoms passed,
We can only hope it's soon these nasty
sub-humans will go (huh)
Thursday, 11 August 2022
Drive Down Wages
Another political poem, with the vague idea of creating a protest song.
The current squeeze on the low paid is becoming intolerable, with energy prices creating vast profits whilst more and more people are having to choose between eating or heating their homes. Government seem more interested in placating the donors that finance their party rather than caring for the populace. The fuel price increases affect everything else including food.
All material for a protest song.
Drive Down Wages
Sunday, 7 August 2022
The Idiot at the Door
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Parody: My Way
Do you ever mis-speak a song lyric without really thinking? Yes? But do you then ever feel inspired to complete the parody? Sometimes I do.
My Way
And now, I drank some beer,
Too much I fear, like Richard Burton
It start...ed with good cheer
Got off my face, of that I'm certain.
I guess... I spoke some bull
Offended some, and yet if I may,
I'll say, that's what I do,
I imbibe my way.
Cig'rettes, I've had a few
I've spluttered through, but I should mention
I find, if I can choose,
I'd prefer booze to use my pension.
When canned, I choose - of course -
the strongest ale for cash that I pay,
It means less breaks to whizz;
I imbibe my way.
Lager and limes, a jar or two,
When beer is off, what can you do?
But won't have more, there is no doubt,
I'd have a change, and drink some stout!
I'd drink it all, lean on the wall
And imbibe my way.
I've loved to quaff with pride
I've had a swill when I am cruising
And now my brain is fried
I still will try to keep on boozing
I puked upon on the cat
(It ran away, off down the highway)
But do not fret, it did come back.
I imbibe my way.
For what is a can? What is a shot?
What is a glass? Get a pint pot!
Forget the pie that just congeals
And get a scotch 'til my head reels,
With my red nose, the record shows
I imbibe my way.
Thursday, 13 January 2022
Political Parties
Recently I find the political situation in the UK to be a rich source of inspiration for poems.
During a time when the government imposed strict rules to limit the spread of coronavirus, the population made sacrifices - one of the most heartbreaking being the restriction against being with loved ones in their dying hours.
Reports of social gatherings and parties within government were at first denied, then deflected by the Prime Minister. As evidence emerged, stories changed, eventually leading to a supposed apology in the House of Commons. At the time of writing, criminal responsibility and political fallout has still to be ascertained.
This is the background to this poem.
Political Parties
Friday, 7 January 2022
The Unexpurgated Dickens
Imagine that Charles Dickens had been wackier and his great works had needed editing before they were published. What might they have been like before the editors applied their influence?
a copperfield our Dave,
Marley pulled a toilet chain
and Scrooge's end was grave.
They sold two breasts in Paris,
which was great as you'd expect,
but Oliver then twisted things
so Bill's Sykes change was wrecked.
Fagin's gold from Nancy's boys
helped our mutated friends
so rather than find Ed's wind rude
Martin guzzled it both ends.
Each publishing house found this too bleak,
Returns would be slim pickings;
That's why these curiosities stopped,
these rarities of Dickens.
New Year 2022
Sometimes one starts to write a poem and it runs away with you. This one did, and as it ran it became progressively darker. The trouble was, it was supposed to be a short rhyme to mark the new year! The last couplet applies the brakes.
No, I'm in my usual chair...
When rights are picked away
When parasites pretend to lead
When foolishness holds sway
When lies are told repeatedly
When truth is oft ignored
When mainstream media's controlled
When food's hard to afford
When profiteering causes deaths
When facts get in the way
Cheer up! It couldn't happen here!
Enjoy this New Year's Day!
Rear Wind Oh!
It is an odd world. When a reality star makes money by breaking wind into jars in order to sell them, it's another example of that.
When there's a report that this same reality star has been hospitalised for overdoing it, then it might just inspire a poem.
It's better out than in;
Expel the noxious fumes without
They may ferment within.
Now if you must contain yourself,
but wish to profiteer
Sterilise a jam jar then
insert it in your rear.
Discharge the methane slowly
and when the jar is full,
Tighten up your sphincter
And check the void is null.
If all is well then screw the lid
Upon the gas-filled jar;
repeat the process 'til you're done -
you'll know the time you are.
Now if you've done your marketing,
have buyers for your gas,
price up your jars accordingly
and rake in all that brass.
But don't do this to great excess,
For it's a guarantee
If you progress to demi-johns
You will need A & E."