Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Remember TV?

Image from: RawPixel

Remember TV?

Remember how TVs used to be -
When channels numbered only three,
When colour was a luxury
With adverts just on ITV?
Remember when you switched it on
Did you have this phenomenon
When static would encroach upon
The TV screen? Or was there none?

Remember that a dial was used -
a dozen digits were perused.
The relevance? You'll be bemused,
12-13, 9 or U? Confused.
Remember what the rest would show?
A range of different textured snow.
It was those three you had to know
to watch a broadcast TV show.
Remember when the image rolled
so much it had to be controlled
A range of knobs to be cajoled
And one of these was marked Vert. Hold.
Remember when, before the news
The kids did not have much to choose.
The Magic Roundabout? No clues
which drugs the writers used to use.
Remember when the only stream
was filled by critters of esteem?
"Tales of the Riverbank"; I deem
Hammy Hamster was supreme.
Remember when most of the day
the testcard was the sole display?
So not much was worth watching - hey!
Programmes are just the same today!

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