Tuesday 7 February 2023

Winter Mornings

Something neither political or shanty related today. I don't know if it's a belated after effect of catching Covid-19 last year, but I note my eyes are a touch more light-sensitive when I awaken. Combine this with the resumption of a cold spate of weather and it took me a while to get out of bed. This inspired a short poem. 

The following day I noted frost on top of the cars parked in my street. This confirmed that I was right to turn my radiators on again - however briefly this period should be!
Winter Mornings
T'was far too bright for tired eyes.
From winter sun they hid.
I raised the duvet just a nick
and risked one peeper's lid.
I squinted at the clock display;
I thought that I should rise.
I let the cotton tunnel drop -
too bright for tired eyes.
The air's too cold for backs of arms.
The temp'rature's too low
I turned the radiators off
A couple-o' days ago.
The warmer spell was just a blip.
The bed still holds those charms.
I let the duvet drop again;
too cold for backs of arms.
Perhaps I should get out of bed
despite the light and cold.
Though forty minutes have passed by
it's not because I'm bold.
I'm not as young as once I was;
that's why I raise my head.
My bladder overrules my brain -
I should get out of bed.


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