Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Pictorial Puns

Just a heads' up.

I have created a new page on "Some Wry T'ings" that will be the home for "pictorial puns". Alternative spellings will be used to create an exact (or reasonable approximation) phrase for (initially) song titles, and a series of images will reflect those spellings.

Not sure what I mean? Have a look. It will hopefully be a little clearer.

I have tried to select images that Google reports as having suitable usage rights, but I'm only human. Yes, really. If someone should have copyright issues on a particular image and objects to its use here, please comment below with the details. I'll remove/modify the pun-image accordingly.

So, why this new page? Why the lack of new poems on this blog?

a) a bit of fun, and I like playing around with word meanings and humour.

b) my poems at the moment tend to be directed as lyrics to shanties/sea-songs that I'm writing for the Lytham St Anne's Shanty Crew. We have been performing and recording (we've been in a studio and created our first CD - way-hey!) to raise money for our local Lifeboat appeal. It's going well. We've got a website, Facebook and Twitter presence, business cards, and have invested in microphones and such for bigger gigs. So - sorry for the lack of poems here recently. I might put some more lyrics on the blog. Watch this space.